
University of California, Davis


Davis, CA

Fraternity Staff member Josh Franke, Otterbein ‘06, conducted the initial expansion effort at UC - Davis in the 2010 spring semester. Twenty-one men participated in the first Pledge Ceremony on March 16, 2010. UC - Davis was colonized on April 23, 2010. In the 2010 fall semester, the colony organized its first major philanthropic event - the Songs Benefiting LIVESTRONG concert.

The first Initiation Ceremony was conducted for 15 colony members on January 21, 2011, by Grand Marshal Scott Gallagher, Ohio Wesleyan ‘93, Director of Advancement Steve Latour, Central Michigan ‘04, Grand Historian Robert Kutz, California ‘67, past Undergraduate Grand Councilor Brian Thomas, California ‘06, Tom Toller, California ‘82, and undergraduates from the Nu Chapter (California). Jeff Brehmer, California ‘85, was appointed Grand Chapter Advisor and completed development of a chapter council by May of 2011. The colony finished the 2010-2011 academic year with 22 members. On October 1, 2011, a petition for charter was approved by the Grand Council.

With the assistance of their Grand Chapter Advisor Jeffrey R. Brehmer, California ‘85, and the Chapter Council, the group of 30 men was chartered on November 20, 2011. The Ceremony was held at the Conference Center on campus. Notable attendees included: Grand Councilor Hon. Bob Kutz, Califnornia ‘67, and Steve Latour, Central Michigan ‘04, represented Fraternity Staff. Philip Pachtman, UC - Davis ‘10, was the Founding President.

Records show award name and year(s) received.

Alpha Gamma Upsilon Bronze Cup of Distinction 2017 

Records show brother's name, initiation year, and award received.

Josh Daniel Tan 2013 Kleinoeder Graduate Scholar of the Year