
Binghamton University


Binghamton, NY

Undergraduates Eric Lustwig, Tufts, and Lou Agresta, Rensselear ‘87, transferred to Binghamton in the fall of 1988 and recruited an interest group. The group was recognized as Phi Theta Colony of Alpha Sigma Phi in ceremonies at the Holiday Inn April 6, 1989. Grand Treasurer Charles Vohs, Penn State ‘75, was the principal speaker. Steve Zizzo, Illinois ‘84, represented the Fraternity staff. Peter Cardoza, Cornell ‘85, was an advisor to the Colony until he relocated to Massachusetts in 1989. By the end of 1989, the Colony had 32 members and submitted a Petition for Chartering. 

The Colony developed a ritual and structure with differentiation of colony brothers from new members. Each class of new members refer to themselves and others by a letter designator (e.g. Beta class, Delta class). Poor new member education practices and failure to adhere to FIPG were problems at times. The 1989 petition was accepted subject to meeting minimum standards, including number of members at chartering. The Colony was unable to meet the standards and did not charter. Fourteen members of the colony were initiated in 1993; these included Mark Benjamin and Howard Schwartz, past presidents of the Colony, and John Tilden.

The group was eventually revitalized at Binghamton and was chartered as the Epsilon Nu Chapter of Alpha Sigma Phi on May 3, 2003. 

The chapter won Binghamton University’s Greek Chapter of the Year Award in 2003-04. John Tilden, Epsilon Nu ‘93, served on the Grand Council of Alpha Sigma Phi.

Records show award name and year(s) received.

Alpha Gamma Upsilon Bronze Cup of Distinction 2022, 2008
Most Improved Chapter Award 2008

Records show brother's name, initiation year, and award received.

John W. Tilden 1993 Delta Beta Xi Award